Tribute from Gianni, Denise and Family

Created by Asif 17 years ago
We feel devastated and truly saddened by the loss of Tirumal. He was a kind, warm and intelligent man who loved his family. Tirumal had time for people, and built lots of rewarding friendships as a result. He had many qualities, and he put these to good use in his business life. Apart from his obvious engineering talent, he had a strong entrepreneurial spirit and long-term vision that touched all of those around him. He derived great pleasure from persuading others to spend their money on technology, marketing being just one of his many skills. The business we built together has suffered its biggest setback ever – Tirumal can never be replaced. Tirumal, you will be sorely missed - life will never be the same for us without you. May your soul be in perfect peace and may you find rest forevermore. Also, to his family and loved ones, may you find the strength to bear such an overwhelming loss.