jyothi pisipati 29th July 2007

Although we have known Rekha and her family for a long time and have shared many experiences, it was for the first time last year that we met Bijjy, Latha, Jahnu and their little one. They were on their first visit to the US and Rekha was very keen that they enjoy every moment. We attended a family backyard barbecue and tasted some of the best margaritas, compliments of Bijjy and Latha and their very special blend. It was then we understood their zest for life and their eco-friendly philosophy. Our condolences to the Parvataneni family; Baboo Uncle, Leela Aunty, Rekha, Chandrasekhar, Gautam, Nina, Latha and the boys - Jyothi, Ramesh, Ashwin and Vikas Pisipati